Originally described in
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:321.
Midlobe of mesoscutum with posterior 1/3 with engraved reticulation; scutellum short, 0.9X as long as wide, lateral mesh-rows situated half-way between median groove and lateral margin of scutellum; mesoscutum and scutellum golden-green or metallic bluish-green; femora dark brown; hind tibial spur long, LS/LT = 0.45; petiole 1.4X as long as wide; upper frons with strong grooves in front of posterior ocelli. Similar to aeneicollis but propodeum with submedian grooves reticulate and with sides ąstraight, and with longer petiole.
Costa Rica.
Similar species in Lucid key
Depository of primary type
Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), in Costa Rica.